Emerald City Comic Con 2010
Emerald City Comic Con was bigger and better than ever. Last year, I shared a corner of a booth with friends, and it was alright, fun even but less than lucrative. Getting a space in artist’s alley didn’t seem like a great idea at the time, but I took a chance. This year, while I still didn’t make a lot of money, I made back my investment, which is a start. I was worried that my art isn’t really the kind of thing that ECCC attendees are looking for. I don’t draw superheroes. I don’t draw renditions of other people’s characters, preferring to do my own thing. But my whimsically dressed up anthropomorphics seem to appeal to folks. I got my share of fans, and some were downright exuberant about it. It was heartening. I dressed both days in steampunk attire and it got lots of notice, which I used to promote my convention, Steamcon II.  For the most part, I’d say it was a success on a personal level and very fun. Much thanks to Pell for helping me with the booth since my husband was needed elsewhere.
In the two days worth of sitting the booth, I had a few rather odd and/or wonderful moments. I was asked to sign a guy’s cell phone. I signed a lot of other things as well, but they were to be expected. The phone was a unique thing to sign. I talked to a lot of young people, mostly girls about my art. One old friend brought his daughter and we chatted about what I do and what she might do in the future. She was quite enchanted, I think. Another man stood with his little daughter for a long time looking, and then said “You see. If you keep drawing, you can do this someday.â€Â She nodded. He went on to say “Do you see how pretty she is? You will be that pretty too.â€Â  *blush* I guess I’m a role model.  Who knew?
I got my picture in the Seattle Weekly slideshow for the con. And there’s this nice shot of me on Saturday from a fan. So maybe spandex isn’t necessary to get noticed? I’ve already got my table for next year. Can’t wait!