Posted By
Diana on November 28, 2016
In the interest of helping with your online holiday shopping, I thought I’d repost the links to my shops for you.  Your patronage is much appreciated and you will be helping out an artist.
My books on Blurb. Â I currently have four books on Blurb including my two new coloring books. Â

Steamporium – This is my shop for Steampunk and Victorian themed items, such as mousepads, bumper stickers and t-shirts. – Use the code CYBERMONSAVE for 30% off everything, also 70% off magnets, & 50% off greeting cards!

My Furry Art – You can find my whimsical menagerie here.  Magnets, greeting cards and lots more. – Use the code CYBERMONSAVE for 30% off everything, also 70% off magnets, & 50% off greeting cards!

My stickers – I sell stickers on Redbubble currently. They have a wonderful cut out method that I love.  Many sizes as well. Use the code CYBERMON for 20% off!

I hope that you will check out some of my merchandise! Â I wish you a joyous winter season no matter what you choose to celebrate!
Posted By
Diana on December 7, 2015
I am terrible at self promotion, but at this time of year I really do need to let my fans know that I have things for sale. Â Lots of great gift ideas and every sale helps me continue doing what I love.
You can find my stickers here:Â Redbubble
Steampunk T-shirts, greeting cards and lots more: Steamporium
My whimsical menagerie wares are here:Â Artvixn
And you can get my books here: Blurb

Posted By
Diana on November 28, 2013
Sorry for my prolonged absence. I promise I’ll make some updates soon. Meanwhile I give you, Thanksgiving from some alternate universe where the turkeys got smart and are far from the tables on this holiday. Remember all the things we have to be thankful for on this day.

Posted By
Diana on March 16, 2013
I am working on a few blog posts but since it’s a holiday, here are two fun vintage Saint Patrick’s Day cards with the up in the air theme.

Posted By
Diana on February 13, 2013
Happy St. Valentine’s Day!  As I have nothing too important to say about the day, I found some fun and interesting vintage greeting cards that celebrate the day with a balloon, blimp or zeppelin theme.

A little whimsy from the past. That last one is a rather confusing image, but I am sure they had the best of intentions. Now if you think those are odd images, just wait until I post the Easter one!
So Happy Valentine’s Day to all, but most especially my wonderful patient husband!
Posted By
Diana on November 19, 2012
Sorry for my prolonged absence. Another Steamcon has come and gone and I needed a break after all the work of putting it on. I think it was successful. Everyone seemed to have a good time. You can get a glimpse at the fun in our Flickr group pool. We will begin work on the next one in January and I’ll be putting up the details as soon as we have them sorted.
I am also trying to work on some of the projects that I have neglected in the past year, so hopefully I’ll be linking to many new things in the next few months.
As many of you are getting ready for the holidays, I thought I might mention a few of my creations that would make good gifts.

This is a small book filled with pictures using the idea of archetypes to figure out some interesting and different steampunk costume ideas for the ladies.

This is a full color book of many of my whimsical animals in colorful costumes.

This is a design I made in response to some of the comments about my quote “Steampunk needs historical accuracy like a dirigible needs a goldfish”. You can get a mousepad, or several other things with this design.

And lastly a steampunk themed Christmas card with an old fashioned feeling for your favorite steampunk.
Posted By
Diana on December 19, 2011
After Steamcon, I always give myself time to recuperate. I have been very remiss in my writing and I do hope you will forgive me. I have some posts I am working on in my head and hopefully I get some up soon. Meanwhile, here is our holiday card for you to enjoy. A pic of my hubby and I at Steamcon III taken by Al Lin. May you have a very steamy holiday season and get LOTS of coal in your stocking!