Steamcon IV!
As you might have guessed, I get a little busy working on the convention and fail to post here. I am trying to be better. In that spirit, I am pleased to announce that the Steamcon IV website is up!
This year’s theme: Victorian Monsters is going to be ghoulishly delightful. So many of the classic monsters that came out of the Victorian era. Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Spring Heeled Jack, the Invisible Man, Jack the Ripper and many more were born in that time period.
We have announced our Author Guest of Honor, Kim Newman . Kim Newman wrote Anno Dracula, a fabulous tale of how history might have gone if Dracula had taken over Britain.
Over the next few weeks, we will be announcing all the other wonderful guests we’ve managed to line up for this year. This show should be the best yet, so be sure and get your membership while it’s in the early pricing.