Tea & Automatons

Diana Vick's corner of the interweb

Pacific Northwest Summer Steampunk Activities

The summer months in the Pacific Northwest tend to be busy due to the possibility, mind you not definite, chance of nice weather.  This summer is looking to be quite busy, so I thought I’d give you a peek at my schedule in case you might be able to join in the fun. Click the links for full details.

June 11th – Steamrats Train Excursion

June 18th – Portland Summer Solstice Circus and Ball – I am going to be giving an “Intro to Steampunk” talk.  I’ll add details as I get them.

June 26th – Reading and Signing by Emilie P. Bush

July 1-4th – Westercon – Okay, not quite in the target area, but steampunk themed and the Foglios are guests!

July 16th – Chehalis Train Trip (more data to come)

July 22 – 24th – Gearcon in Portland

August 6th – Bremerton Costume Contest and Tea

August TBD – Queen of Seattle Paddlewheel Excursion (more data to come)

I will try to update the one’s missing data as soon as I can, but you can mark your calendars in the meantime.  There may be more additions as well.  I hope you can join us.  There is also a regular Monday meet-up in Seattle and several others around the are, which I occasionally manage to attend.  Feel free to join the Seattle Steamrats group on Facebook if you are in our area and want to keep up on all the events.


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About The Author

Diana Vick

I am an illustrator, writer, costumer and steampunk enthusiast.
I have done illustration for comic books, animation and collectible card games such as Magic the Gathering and Legend of the Five Rings. Currently, I do art for my own line of cards and gifts in my Zazzle shop.