Give us some credit!
These days, the internet has made it far too easy to find fantastic works of art and repost them anywhere with hardly a thought. In the past I would occasionally trawl Cafepress or Zazzle for people selling famous fantasy artists’ work, like Boris or Olivia and report them. It was unconscionable to me that people thought they could profit off of someone else’s creativity.
I do see a lot of people reposting work that is not theirs. While I completely understand the desire to show your FB friends these wonderful little gems, please realize that … you are still stealing. You may not be trying to earn money off of the art and your motives may be completely innocent, but oft times people assume you are posting art that you created. FB does ask you if you have the right to post it, so you are at the very least perpetrating a lie when you post a picture that isn’t yours.
I’ve often seen a piece of steampunk art posted in a group somewhere and thought, “Nice. I wonder who did that?” but the person who was so impressed with the piece that they felt the need to post it didn’t bother to see who did it.  Seriously?
As an artist, I realize that by putting something on the internet, I run the risk of having it copied. I know it’s nearly unavoidable. So, how about you do me a favor? IF you feel the overwhelming compulsion to repost my work somewhere, you give me credit? Tag it with my name. Maybe put a link to my website or the site you got it from. If you like the work enough to copy it, take the time to credit it at the very least. We really do appreciate that you like it and promote it, just give us some credit?